Sunday, May 31, 2009


When you first look at this photo, you have to wonder, what the f*** is this guy teaching the class?

I mean, come on, a teacher wearing a Lubes shirt, and having a boy stand on the desk almost with the kids crotch in the teachers face. Makes me wonder if he's teaching sex education or something.

BUT, the truth behind the photo, it's a gym teacher, teaching the class about working out, and developing abs and muscles.

BUT, that Lubes shirt still really makes me wonder.

Also, sex education is still taught in some of the private schools around Ohio. My school doesn't have it, but a few of my friends are in schools that have a required sex education class for freshman.

The King No More

The "king" Lebron James, and the Cleveland Cavaliers, were ousted from the NBA playoffs by Dwight Howard and the Orlando Magic last night.

So The King is no longer The King. Dwight Howard or Kobe Bryant can claim that title depending on who wins the NBA Finals.

It's interesting how everyone thinks Lebron is a basketball God, but the same people are the first to slam him and the Cavaliers since they were knocked out of the playoffs.

Now the talk is how Lebron will be traded, how he can't win a title in Cleveland, and how the Cavaliers, if they are going to keep Lebron better get some better players to support him.

Fact is, they have the players to support him, just not quite good enough. Mo Williams, he's fine, I have no problem with him. Gibson sat the bench a lot in the Magic series and he's a star just waiting to blossom. Varejo is a waste of money for the Cavaliers. He doesn't play defense, instead falls to the ground on every little bump he takes trying to draw a foul, but instead the person he's defending scored easily every time. The Cavs, in order to bring Lebron a NBA title need to trade Gibson and Varejo away and get another top tier player. I'd love to see Michael Redd return to Ohio. He's the star for the Milwaukee Bucks, but he's an Ohio State star and one helluva player. Team him up with Lebron and a title would come to Cleveland.

Brothers - Abs and Muscles

Geez, I wish I had some abs. I guess I need to start working out more.

The first video is of two younger brothers. The younger one being tempted by the other to show his abs, flex his muscles, and strip down to his boxer briefs. I couldn't help laughing, they talk about going to bed together. I'm sure it's just an act for the camera. Isn't it? I emailed them (found on YouTube) and asked, but no reply.

The second video is of the same guy but with his oldest brother, and together they flex and show off on the camera.

But anyway, I did categorize these videos under humor, only because of the commentary in the first video.

It's still here!

As you all have noticed, my questionable picture is still here. Google doesn't seem to want to give in to that advocacy group. The voice of reason has succeeded.

I'll try and update my blog more often now that school is about out and I'll be bored to death all summer. I'm working on getting and AOL screen name, because, Yahoo mail blows!